
Data Encoder & Decoder

The complete source code of currency exchange application can be downloaded from the link below. As this is just a mini project, project report The complete source code of currency exchange application can be downloaded from the link below. As this is just a mini project, project report The complete source code of currency exchange application can be downloaded from the link below. As this is just a mini project, project report The complete source code of currency exchange application can be downloaded from the link below. As this is just a mini project, project report The complete source code of currency exchange application can be downloaded from the link below. As this is just a mini project, project report The complete source code of currency exchange application can be downloaded from the link below. As this is just a mini project, project report The complete source code of currency exchange application can be downloaded from the link below. As this is just a mini project, project report and documentation are not available. You can go through the description below for project abstract.

Currency Converter Project Abstract:

Different countries use different currency, and there is daily variation in these currencies relative to one another. Those who transfer money from one country to another (one currency to another) must be updated with the latest currency exchange rates in the market.

Currency converter mini project is built keeping this thing in mind. It is simply a calculator-like app developed using Ajax, Java servlets web features. In this application, there is regular update about currency of every country by which it displays present currency market value and conversion rate.

Such application can be used by any user, but it is mainly useful for business, shares, and finance related areas where money transfer and currency exchange takes place on a daily basis.

In this currency converter app, users are provided with an option to select the type of conversion, i.e. from “this” currency to “that” currency. This simple feature allows users to enter amount to be converted (say currency in Dollars), and display the converted amount (say currency in Euro).


 Ludo Game Project In Python

Currency converter (or currency exchange) is a mini project coded in Java programming language. This simple application provides a web-based interface for exchanging/converting money from one currency (say $) to another currency (say €).

Ludo Game project is written in Python. The project file contains python scripts (game.py, run.py, painter.py, recorder.py). This is a simple console based strategy board game which is very easy to understand and use. Talking about the gameplay, all the playing rules are the same just like we play in real time ludo. Here at first, the user has to select players i.e either human or computer. After selecting human, the player has to enter details such as name and select color(red, green, yellow and blue). the player can also start the game within two players if he/she wants.

After starting the game, a console based ludo board appears, other rules are the same. First, the computer or the player has to roll the dice. The main thing in this console based game is that the player just has to press “Enter Key” to roll the dice. At the top of the board, it displays a dice with the number. The system keeps on rolling until there’s a possible pawn to move. All the game movements are performed automatically. Whenever the player tries to end the game, there’s an option available to save the unfinished game so that he/she can continue it later. A simple console GUI is provided for the easy gameplay. The gameplay design is so simple that user won’t find it difficult to use and understand.

In order to run the project, you must have installed Python, on your PC. This is a simple console Based game written for the beginners. Simple Ludo Game in Python project with source code is free to download. Use for education purpose only!

How To Run :

  • first you need install python.
  • download project.
  • extract project.
  • double click in run.py.
  • Project is run.

Download Here

Hotel Management System Project in Python


Simple Hotel Management System project is written in Python. The project file contains a python script (Hotelms.py). This is a simple console based system which is very easy to understand and use. Talking about the system, it contains all the basic functions which include entering customer’s data, calculating room rent, restaurant bill, laundry bill, game bill, and total cost. In this mini project, there is no such login system. This means he/she can use all those available features easily without any restriction. It is too easy to use, he/she can check the total cost of staying in the hotel easily with each and every detail.

Talking about the features of this Simple Hotel Management System, at first, the user has to enter his/her data. It includes the name of the user, address, check-in, and check-out dates. The user can calculate room rents. Inside this section, there are total four types of room with different prices. After selecting the room type, the system asks to enter the number of nights spent in order to calculate room rent. This simple system also contains other functions such as calculating restaurant, laundry and game bill. When the user selects to calculate restaurant bill, the system displays a small menu. From there the user has to select foods and then it displays the total restaurant bill. The other remaining features; calculating laundry and game bill also follows the same procedure as of calculating restaurant bill.

Feature :-

At last, after all these calculations the user can know about their total cost of staying easily. In this feature, the system provides his/her details, with the room number, room rent, food, laundry and games bill. The total sum is displayed to the users with some additional charges. This simple console based Hotel Management system provides the simplest management of hotel service and transaction. In short, this projects mainly focus on adding and calculating results. There’s no external database connection file used in this mini project to save user’s data permanently.

In order to run the project, you must have installed Python, on your PC. This is a simple Console Based system, specially written for the beginners. Simple Hotel Management System in Python project with source code is free to download. Use for education purpose only!

Use for education purpose only

Use for education purpose only

Use for education purpose only

Use for education purpose only

Use for education purpose only
Use for education purpose only

Use for education purpose only

How To Run :

  • first you need install python.
  • download project.
  • extract project.
  • double click in run.py.
  • Project is run.

Download Here

Complaint Management System Project in Python

Simple Complaint Management System project is written in Python. The project file contains python scripts (main.py, db.py, listComp.py). This is a simple console based system which is very easy to use and understand. Talking about the system, it contains a very basic function which includes adding and to viewing complaint lists. In this mini project, there is no login feature. This means he/she can use these available features easily without any restriction.

In this simple system, he/she can add/enter complaints of certain things easily. While complaining,  the user has to enter his/her full name, select gender and write comments about any topic the user wants to. All the entered complaints are stored in a database and the user can easily view a list of complaints displaying the user’s name with their id number, gender, and comments. This simple console based Ticket Reservation system provides one of the simplest management of complaints. There is an external database connection in this mini project to save user’s data permanently and retrieve it.

In order to run the project, you must have installed Python, on your PC. This is a simple Console Based system, specially written for the beginners. Simple Complaint Management System in Python project with source code is free to download. Use for education purpose only! 

How To Run :

  • first you need install python.
  • download project.
  • extract project.
  • double click in main.py.
  • Project is run.

Download Here

 Pharmacy Management System Project In Python

Simple Pharmacy Management System project is written in Python. The project file contains a python script (project.py) and database files. This is a simple GUI based project which is very easy to understand and use. Talking about the system, it contains all the basic functions which include adding, viewing, deleting and updating items. In order to add a medicine detail, the user has to provide its name, price, quantity, category, and discount.

This simple GUI based Pharmacy Management system provides the simplest management of medicine items. In short, this projects mainly focus on CRUD. There’s an external database connection file used in this mini project to save user’s data permanently.

In order to run the project, you must have installed Python, on your PC. This is a simple GUI Based system, specially written for the beginners. Simple Pharmacy Management System in Python project with source code is free to download. Use for education purpose only! 

How To Run :

  • first you need install python.
  • download project.
  • extract project.
  • double click in project.py.
  • Project is run.

Download Here

 Bank Management System Project in Python

Bank Management System project is written in Python. The project file contains a python script (main.py) and a database file. This is a simple console based system which is very easy to understand and use. Talking about the system, it contains all the basic functions which include creating a new account, view account holders record, withdraws and deposit amount, balance inquiry, closing an account and edit account details. In this mini project, there is no such login system. This means he/she can use all those available features easily without any restriction. It is too easy to use, he/she can check the total bank account records easily.

Talking about the features of the Bank Management System, a user can create an account by providing the name of the account holder, number, selecting amount type (Saving account or Current account) and providing an initial amount more than or equal to 500. Then the user can also deposit and withdraw money just by providing his/her account and entering the amount. For certain purpose, he/she can also check for the balance inquiry which displays the account number and amount. He/she can also view all the account holder’s list. Another feature is that he/she can modify their account detail and type if they want to.

This simple console based Bank Management system provides the simplest management of bank account and transaction. In short, this projects mainly focus on CRUD. There’s an external database connection file used in this mini project to save user’s data permanently.

In order to run the project, you must have installed Python, on your PC. This is a simple Console Based system, specially written for the beginners. Bank Management System in Python project with source code is free to download. Use for education purpose only! For the project demo, have a look at the YouTube Video above.

How To Run :

  • first you need install python.
  • download project.
  • extract project.
  • double click in main.py.
  • Project is run.

Download Here

 Movie Rental Shop Management System Project in Python

Movie Rental Shop Management System project is written in Python. The project file contains python scripts (main.py, UI.py, borrow.py, Borrow.py etc). This is a simple console based system which is very easy to use and understand. Talking about the system, it contains basic functions which include a list of all rentals, rent DVD, filter DVD and return the DVD. In this mini project, there is no such login system. This means he/she can use all those available features easily without any restriction. Each menu item holds a command and the user has to enter the command to use it.

After entering commands for each item, he/she can view all the rentals. While renting a DVD, the user has to enter DVD id and client’s name as a command code. DVD ids can be retrieved from dvd.txt. And the user can also return DVDs by entering DVD id as a command code. In this Simple Movie Rental Shop Management System, the user can also filter DVD which displays existing DVD with a respective ID number. This simple console based Student Management system provides the simplest rental management of DVD store. There is no database connection but different external text files are used in this mini project to save user’s data permanently and retrieve it.

In order to run the project, you must have installed Python, on your PC. This is a simple Console Based system, specially written for the beginners. Movie Rental Shop Management System in Python project with source code is free to download. Use for education purpose only! For the project demo, have a look at the YouTube Video Above.

How To Run :

  • first you need install python.
  • download project.
  • extract project.
  • double click in main.py.
  • Project is run.

Download Here

 Student Management System Project In Python

Simple Student Management System project is written in Python. The project file contains a python script (student.py). This is a simple console based system which is very easy to understand and use. Talking about the system, it contains basic functions which include Add students, view students, search students and remove the student. In this mini project, there is no such login system. This means he/she can use all those available features easily without any restriction. It is too easy to use, he/she can check the total student’s record.

While adding the students, the user only has to enter his/her name then the system adds the record and displays to the user. And the user can view all these students lists from the view section. In this Simple Student Management, the user can also search for student’s name in order to know whether the student’s record exists in the system or not. This simple console based Student Management system provides the simplest management of student’s list. In short, this projects mainly focus on CRUD. There is no database connection or neither any external text or other files used in this mini project to save user’s data permanently.

In order to run the project, you must have installed Python, on your PC. This is a simple Console Based system, specially written for the beginners. Simple Student Management System in Python project with source code is free to download. Use for education purpose only! For the project demo, have a look at the YouTube Video Above.


  • Add Students
  • List all students
  • Search students
  • Remove Students

How To Run :

  • first you need install python.
  • download project.
  • extract project.
  • double click in student.py.
  • Project is run.

Download Here

 ATM Simultaneous Python Project

ATM Simulator project is written in Python. The project file contains a python script (atm.py). This is a simple console based system which is very easy to use. Talking about the system, it contains various functions which include Account Statement, Withdrawing, Depositing amount and changing the pin. Here, at first the user has to enter an existing username, when the username matches the system proceed toward the next procedure i.e asking pin number. When a user passes all these sign-in procedures, he/she can use all those features. It is too easy to use, he/she can check their respective account statements.

While depositing or withdrawing amount, he/she just has to enter the amount then the system calculates the total remaining balance of the respective account and displays to the user. And the user can view all these transactions from the account statement. In this ATM Simulator, the user can also change the pin number. For this, the user has to enter the New pin code and then confirm it in order to change the pin code. This simple console based ATM simulator provides the simple account balance management of a respective account. It contains all the essential features. There is no database connection or neither any external text or other files used in this mini project to save user’s data. Everything is set inside the source code whether its pin code or the amount.

In order to run the project, you must have installed Python, on your PC. This is a simple Console Based system, specially written for the beginners. ATM Simulator in Python project with source code is free to download. Use for education purpose only! 


  • Sign In
  • Account Statement
  • Withdraw amount
  • Lodge amount
  • Change Pin

How To Run :

  • first you need install python.
  • download project.
  • extract project.
  • double click in index.py.
  • Project is run.

Download Here